AGM & Luncheon (noon)

Join us on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 11.45 at the Haus Zum Rüden


We are inviting you to our Annual General Meeting followed by a lunch at the Zunfthaus zum Rueden on September 28th, 2021.

You can view and download the Agenda here.


Please note that entrance is only granted by showing a Covid certificate or negative Covid test.
Click here to buy tickets!!!
Please complete questionnaire at the end of the check-out. Registration closes at mid-night the day before the event.


11:45AM - 2:00PM Tue 28 Sep 2021, Europe/Zurich timezone


Haus zum RĂ¼den
Limmatquai 42
Zurich, ZH 8000 Switzerland

[ Get Directions ]

Look Who's Coming:

Stephanie Ness
Pietro Meineri
  Homburger AG
Christophe George
Hana Disch
Maxim Lewinz
Lukas Christoph Aebi
Thomas Lenzen
Stefan Meier
Albert Birkicht
Stephan Bergamin
  Cylad Experts
Reem Kettaneh Yared
Jonas Schaetzle
Peter Lehmann
Bjorn Johansson
Edgar Schuler
Shira Kaplan
  Cyverse Capital
Markus Binder
Dominik Zehnder
Jeffrey Lamont
Markus Kattner
Joseph Taussig
Cihan Aktas
Jane Schindler
Eric Zangger
Martin Bisang
Franziska Mueller Tiberini
Dieter Gericke
Jessica Bridger
Patrick Candrian
Beat Fraefel
Adrian Kalt
Diane Bailey
Jana Valkovicova
Henrik Toggenburger
Claire Clivaz
Hans Fricker
Joel Perrenoud
Plarent Aleksi
Alex Zarrabi
Jonas Ruegg
Jorg Sauer
Elaine Kassanos
Hannes Maechler
... a total of 46 guests.
Note: to opt out from this list please sign in, go to My Account and change your preferences under My RSVPs.